This is one of the common requirement.They are many ways of doing this like formpersonalization ,Cutom.plland others ..the easiest way to do it is by passing the parameter QUERY_ONLY=YES..
But it doesn't gurantee all the forms will behave as expected because the form should be coded to make it work for this..not all standard forms have this..
In HRMS Forms case there is another concept called task flow by which we can make the form read only..(i will provide a article on this at some other time)..
1.Check the form which need ot be made as query only.
2.Go to the menu to which it is attached and the get the user function name of the form
3.query the function from application developer(resp)-->application-->function
4.query the function you have to modify
5.Create a new function logically same as the old one (attach the same form)
6.Go to Form tab in the functions window.
7.Enter QUERY_ONLY="YES" in the parameters window
8.Attach the new view only function to the required menu..
Using Form Personalization:
My requrirement is to not all the users to add new responsibilities or new user with is only allowed for certain people..lets see this sceniro implementation throught form personalization
1.Go to the form which needs to be personalized
2.Open the personalization screen
3.create a rule at when new form instance level
make update,delete,insert allowed property to false to the block you want to remove the funcionaltiy the record..
if you want to give access to only one user sysadmin
create one rule to remove access by making delete ,insert and update allowed false..
Create another rule at new form instance level , context-> user and sysadmin and then make insert ,delete,update allowed true..
These two rules will make that only sysadmin to attach new responsibilities..
thanks murthy
this helped me a lot
i was looking for this for a long time
Vikash Gill
If i need make same form work differently for different responsibilites. i.e. say for one responsibility i want to make it read-only and other one full grants
In form personalization, if you make insert_allowed , update_allowed and delete_allowed to FALSE; form will become read only....but on the same read only form, if you click SAVE button it will get ENTERABLE.
Any solution for this?
Pavankumar Barlota
Is there a way of achieving this Query-only in R12?
It is really necessary to pay more attention when designing such kind of form and keeping in mind the end user's perspective we all need to design it. I do gain lot of tips and tricks from your article that will help me a lot in designing a perfect form. Lot of ideas are coming in mind after reading the info and I am ready to make a form. Thanks
i have a requirement in which i need to make all the fields read only except one. How can i achieve that?
thanks, this was very helpful.
I have an issue, my requirement is that I create a read only form for combined person &Assignment form for a certain responsibility (Which works), only thing is that the button to the assignment page is missing and is not on the people form, also how can I add the special info button and be able to update it.
Is there any way by which we can make a function attached to a menu readable for one responsibility but for another it is editable.
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