Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Entering Query Conditions in Standard Forms

Recently i want to query on a stadard form for records having reversal date as null
i remember that i need to give is null but it didn't work...some how i manager to do it from backend..Even i searched developer guide with no use...So how i get this from the form guide and i am publishing for easy reference..these things will be very useful..and makes our life easy..

1. to enter query by example
2. to recall the last query parameters
3. to Execute Query
4. Query : Count Matching Records (after putting in the query parameters)

Query Wild Card Characters
% one or more characters
_ exactly one character

Query Operators
#between and --need to give #
#is null
#is not null
> Greater Than
>= Greater Than or Equal
< Less Than
<= Less Than or Equal
= Equal
!= Not Equal

Monday, April 27, 2009


As we all know there are two mandatory parameters that need to be pased for all the procedures called
They are very useful parameters if used properly..like setting the status of the conucrrent program and putting the log messages...
i think it is better we make some rule like we make the program end in Error when ever there is a unidentified exception occurs based on your business rule...

define ERRBUFF as the first parameter and Retcode as the second one...Dont forget to specify the out variable type in it...

p_1 varchar2)

The retcode has three values returned by the concurrent manager
1--Success & warning

we can set our concurrent program to any of the three status by using these parameters...
for example
when others then
fnd_File.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Unhandled exception occurred in package.procedure'||SQLERRM);
Even you can use fnd_concurrent.set_completion_Status to send the concurrent program to more status than success,error and warning.....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Shell script for File Movement between Servers

From very long i used to get a common requirement that some system will place the files in a server.
the system should get the files and process them
for achieving this we need to have shell script which will connect to the server and ftp the files to the source server..
Plz find the sample script for doing this..
after writing the script we have to schedule the script in unix using a cronjob...

--Shell script starting
#! /usr/bin/ksh

chmod -R 777 /egltestarch1/oracle/EGLTEST/test/coa/*.txt

exec 4>&1
ftp -nv >&4 2>&4 |&

print -p open $HOST
print -p user $USER $PASSWD
print -p bin
print -p lcd /egltestarch1/oracle/EGLTEST/test/coa
print -p cd /egltestapps1/home/test/coa
print -p mget *.txt
print -p bye

exit 0
--Shell script ending name it as ftpcode.sh

this shell script is saved in /egltestarch1/oracle/EGLTEST/dba/sh/ftpcode.sh
After writing the script we need to a cronjon entry..this entry will run the script on the schedule we have given..

for this
crontab -e
using vi editior commands to make this entry below..this will run the script every minute and log is the written to the file specified on the right side...

# ftp files from application server to database server
* * * * * /eglprodarch1/oracle/EGLPROD/dba/sh/ftpcode.sh > /egltestarch1/oracle/EGLtest/dba/log/ftpcode.log 2>&1

once the files are dowloaded make sure to delete or move to other folders to automate the FTP process...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tracing techniques in oracle applications

Hi,This is one of the good documents from metalink..good reference document when you want to do tracing....


These steps must be performed by the DBA on the database server.

For performance issues, make sure TIMED_STATISTICS is turned on,
before attempting to generate the trace.
Set the following in the init.ora file:
in SQL*Plus:

2. Set the location of the trace output.
Set the following in the init.ora file:
USER_DUMP_DEST = <preferred directory for the trace output>

3. Create the PLAN_TABLE to hold the output of the explain plan. Run
the SQL script called UTLXPLAN.SQL to create this in the apps schema.
This script is usually in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin.

4. If the init.ora file has been updated, you must shut down and restart the database before the changes will take effect.
Regardless of the type of trace file you create, make sure you note the time
that you create it.

1. Form Trace

Toggle trace on/off on the form, to trace specific application functions.
Make sure you go in fresh (sign off/on to the application), since somequeries are cached and may not be executed on subsequent visits to theform.

From the menu, select Help..Diagnostics..Trace (Release 11i) to turn
trace on (when checked, it is on).
Release 11 and 10.7 GUI/NCA --> Help..Tools..Trace
Perform the action to be traced.
From the menu, turn trace off, by selecting Help..Diagnostics..Trace

(it should now be unchecked).Release 11 and 10.7 GUI/NCA --> Help..Tools..Trace

2. Concurrent Program Trace

A. This will turn trace on for each execution of this program.
In Release 11.0 and lli, check the Enable Trace checkbox for the
concurrent program on the Concurrent Programs form. After running the
program to be traced, make sure you uncheck the Enable Trace checkbox.
Select the System Administrator responsibility.
Navigation =
Concurrent -> Programs -> Define. Query the concurrent program you
want to trace. Check the Enable Trace checkbox and save.
B. How to generate a raw trace file with binds and/or waits
for 11.5.10:
1. Log into applications as System Administrator and Navigate to the
System Profile Values Form. Select the profile called
Concurrent: Allow Debugging and change the value to Yes at the appropriate level.
2. Allow pop-ups on your browser.
3. Navigate to the Submit a New Request form and select a job and
enter all parameters for that job
4. Select the Debug Options Button and this will take you to Create
Debug Rule in Oracle Application Manager
5. Select the appropriate Debug Option Value for SQL Trace only and then check the box
6. Hit OK twice and then Submit the job
7. Raw trace file with options selected will be located in the
appropriate directory.

3. Database Level Trace
This will turn trace on for all processes that are running in the
instance and should only have to be used in Release 10.7, for
concurrent programs. (This has to be done by the DBA.)
Set the following in the init.ora file:SQL_TRACE=TRUE

Shut down and restart the database.After generating the trace file, shut down and restart the database with the original init.ora.

4. Report Trace
If you are on 10.7 and need to trace an Oracle Report, you can modify the report to turn trace on for that session.
a. Convert the report from rdf to rex:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/r25convm batch=yes userid=<apps username/pwd>> stype=rdffile source=REPORT_NAME.rdf dtype=rexfile overwrite=yes
b. Edit the rexfile and search for the beforerep trigger in the report.
Locate the following code:
IF (:p_trace_switch = 'Y') THEN
SRW.DO_SQL('alter session set sql_trace TRUE');
Comment out the IF and END IF lines.
c. Save the report.
d. Convert the report from rex to rdf:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/r25convm batch=yes userid=<apps username/pwd> \
> stype=rexfile source=REPORT_NAME.rex dtype=rdffile overwrite=yes

5. Self Service page (like a Forms trace, but for self service web apps)
a. Set the FND:Diagnostics profile:
Responsibility = System Administrator
Navigation: Profile > System
User: Enter User name
Query the Profile: 'FND:Diagnostics'
Set the 'FND:Diagnostics' profile to Yes at User level

b. Login to Self Service under the same user the profile was set for.
c. Turn Trace on:
Click the Diagnostic link at the top of the page
It shows two options: Show Log and Set Trace Level
Select 'Set Trace Level'
Click Go.
Select one of the following options:
Disable Trace - used to end the trace
Trace (Regular) - just like a forms trace
Trace with Binds - record the bind variables in the trace
Trace with waits - Good for performance issues
Trace with binds and waits - combines both of the above
Click Save.
d. Perform the action to be traced in Self Service.
Multiple trace files may be generated in the usual trace directory.
e. Turn trace off:
Select the Diagnostic link
Click on option: Set Trace Level
Note all of the trace numbers listed
Click Go
Select: Disable Trace
Click Save


These steps should be performed by the DBA, on the database server.

1. Find the trace directory.
Get the location of user_dump_dest.
Log into SQL*Plus as the apps user.

select value from V$PARAMETER where name = 'user_dump_dest'
2. Find the trace file for your process.
Go to the directory you found in step 1 (in UNIX, use cd).
Look for a file (.trc) that was created at the time you started
your process (in UNIX, use ls -ltr).

3. Run tkprof with explain plan.
Go to a directory in which you have write privilege (in UNIX, use cd).

Run tkprof:

tkprof <full path to trace file> <output file name> explain=<apps username/apps password>


Sometimes you may have a need to get an explain plan for a specific SQL
statement. If you have the sql statement, you can get the explain plan for
This should be run on the same instance that the sql statement came from.
In your apps account ---
Run the following script:
delete from plan_table
where statement_id = 'tmp'

explain plan

set statement_id = 'tmp'
<put sql statement here>
set pages 100
col operation format a36
col options format a11
col object_name format a30

select lpad(' ',2*(level-1))operation operation,

options, object_name
from plan_table
where statement_id = 'tmp'
connect by prior id = parent_id
and statement_id = 'tmp'
start with id = 1
and statement_id = 'tmp'
order by id
delete from plan_table
where statement_id = 'tmp'